Greater Glasgow and Clyde Child & Adolescent Diabetes Service 

Hot Topics

On this page can be found some of the most currently talked-about topics in the diabetes community.   Some of the information here will be found elsewhere on the website but we have also put it here to give it the status it deserves.

Libre 2:

A lot of people have been asking questions about the Libre 2. Find out how you can get one here.

Near Me:

Some clinic appointment and reviews are still being done by video call.  Near Me is the NHS video calling site and this shows how to access it.

HealthZone UK:

Our own mobile App is the best way to send information to all of our patients.  Please download it to your mobile devices - it's free!

Welcome to the First Floor:

Our new clinic area on the First Floor at Yorkhill is now open. Mags and Donalda have made this video to guide you there.

Care beyond Covid:

We've been busy, making ready to see you all again soon. However, we have had to make some changes along the way, and you may, of course, have questions. We hope this document will provide the answers to these queries.